Researchers who study the affective aspects of touch, who pursue touch in the context of human and non-human social interactions, or who address aspects of other related somatosensory experiences are invited to present and discuss their latest findings. 

We invite submission of abstracts for consideration as symposium, oral presentations, or poster presentations. By submitting an abstract, the presenting author agrees to register for the conference and to deliver the presentation if it is accepted for the scientific program.

We have received several requests from scientists under year-end stress asking us to extend the deadline. We will comply with this here. Please submit your contributions by January 12th, 2025, at the latest (strict deadline).

Key Dates

Abstract Submission Opens
Abstract Submission Deadline extended
Notification of Acceptance

November 5th, 2024
January 12th, 2025
February1st, 2025

Guidelines for Abstract Submission - Oral and Poster Presentation

Oral presentation

You can propose a 15-minute talk for an open session.

As an oral presenter, you’ll need to provide the following information for your talk:

  • The talk should have a concise and informative title.
  • The abstract should be a maximum of 250 words.
  • We recommend that the abstract follows this structure: 1) Objective 2) Methods 3) Results and 4) Discussion.
  • The names of all relevant co-authors with institutional affiliations.
  • The name of the person presenting at the conference.

A poster presentation allows you to present an overview of your work in an more informal setting.

To propose a poster presentation, you’ll need to enter the following information:

  • The poster should have a concise and informative title.
  • The abstract should be a maximum of 250.
  • We recommend that the abstract follows this structure: 1) Objective 2) Methods 3) Results and 4) Discussion.
  • The names of all relevant co-authors with institutional affiliations.
  • The name of the person presenting at the conference.

Before you submit your abstract, please read the above information. 

By clicking on the button “Submit abstract” you will be automatically redirected to OxfordAbstracts to complete your submission.

Guidelines for Symposium Submission

Symposium format

You can propose a 90 minute symposium consisting of 3-5 thematically aligned oral presentations. The symposium organizer is the person who submits the proposal for the symposium and typically serves as the chair of the symposium. Symposia often benefit from a diversity of perspectives and institutional affiliations. Proposals from young investigators are encouraged. Symposium organizers must have prior consent from all presenters in their symposium that they are willing to register and attend IASAT 2025 in person to present their talk.

Once a symposium has been submitted to OxfordAbstracts by the symposium organizer, all presenters are invited by OxfordAbstracts via e-mail to submit an abstract and then attach it to the symposium. Symposium organizers must inform the oral presenters about this.


To submit a symposium, you’ll need to enter the following information:

  • A succinct and descriptive symposium title.
  • A description of the symposium (maximum 300 words).  In this section, you are encouraged to include information about how the symposium meets the dual goals of providing diversity of perspective and integrating those perspectives into a meaningful whole.
  • Name, affiliation, and e-mail information of the organizer/chair/co-chair, and discussant (optional).
  • An e-mail address for each presenter. The presenters will be automatically invited by OxfordAbstracts via e-mail to submit an abstract and then attach it to the symposium.

Before you begin your symposium submission, please read the above information

By clicking on the button “Submit symposium” you will be automatically redirected to OxfordAbstracts to complete your submission.

Abstract Review Process

Proposals will be evaluated by the IASAT 2025 Programme Committee using a variety of criteria including scientific merit, timeliness, theoretical innovation and breadth, methodological innovation, lack of overlap with the regular program, and diversity of the speakers.
The Programme Committee will consider only complete proposals. Incomplete proposals (e.g. fewer than 3 speakers) will be rejected. Once a proposal is submitted, the corresponding author will receive a submission receipt; no modifications will be allowed thereafter. Decisions will be sent by e-mail to those who submitted contributions by February 1st, 2025.